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Monday, May 3, 2021

 Hi everyone,

 I hope you all are enjoying getting outside, I sure am, I came back from my vacation in North Carolina to a sick daughter with Covid and then a few days later a sick granddaughter with it, thank you God that even though they felt pretty yuck they are both doing fine. I for one will be glad when this is pretty much over and we can enjoy the company of family and friends, hang onto your faith what ever that is because I see a light at the end of this tunnel for all of us if we just get the shots and listen to the CDC and Doctors.

Today I would like to talk to everyone about flowers and what works in your gardens. I have a lot of shade in my back yard and I ahve to trust my local gardens to show me what is best for those areas ,

These shade flowers grow happily even without a lot of direct sunlight. “Shade gardening is overlooked by many homeowners, sometimes even by avid gardeners. Let’s face it, there are many more opportunities for colorful flowers in a sun-loving garden. But here’s the rub: shade gardens can be quite attractive themselves. And they almost always take less maintenance, watering and fertilizing than sunny gardens. Most people would say that’s a good thing.

Lily of the Valley: these tiny little white bell shaped flowers are lovely but they can take over a yard very easily, My suggestion is to contain them in a large pot then sink them into the ground, they will still multiply but not as fast and you can better control them.
Next will be my favorite primrose, these beauties love to hide themselves under bushes and trees they are so colorful and bright and really make for an added pop of color.

Alpine Forget-Me-Not

Add clouds of color to your garden with a patch of tiny azure-blue flowers. They thrive in dry shade, conditions that can be particularly difficult.

Well that is just a few of my favorites, there is also Citronella which is great for keeping bugs away, also Lemon grass, but you need to replant these each year.
I could go on and on but these are a few of my favorites.
Happy Planting.